How to test?
Welcome to the it_bridge test guide, where you can learn how to completely test the our asset on your server, following each step we will achieve a clean and fluid test where you will find any problems with the bridge on your server, as long as the documentation has been completed.
Before you start testing the script, make sure that you have followed the installation guide and that the script is correctly installed on your server.
Configuration of the script
First you have to configure the it_bridge script, you can do this in the config.lua
On most servers you can leave the default settings, but if you want to change something you can do this.
Start the it_bridge script
After you have configured the script, you can start the script on your server. If you followed the install guide correctly, the script should start aumaotically when you start your server. If the script does not start automatically, you can start it manually with the following command in your txAdmin Console:
start it_bridge
After starting the script, you should see a message in your server console after a few seconds, that the script has started successfully. The script will also tell you which settings are currently active. Please make sure these settings are correct.
Start the bridge_tester script
After you started the it_bridge script, you can start the bridge_tester script. This script is used to test the it_bridge script and to make sure that everything is working correctly. You can start the bridge_tester script with the following command in your txAdmin console:
start bridge_tester
Test the script
After you have started the bridge_tester script, you can test the it_bridge script.
1. Test your Framework
To test if the it_brige script is working correctly, with your framework, you can use the following command in your txAdmin console:
bridgeTestFramework id money bank blackMoney
- id: The player ID you want to test the script with.
- money: The amount of money (cash) the player currently has.
- bank: The amount of money the player currently has in the bank.
- blackMoney: The amount of black money the player currently has.
If you are using qb-core, qbx_core as your framework set the amount for blackMoney to the amount of crypto the player has. If you are using ND_Core set the amount for blackMoney to 0.
After you issued the command, you should see some messages in your server console, the script will automatically test the it_bridge script with the given values.
The script will print the result of every test in the server console. If you encounter any errors, please report them in the Discord (opens in a new tab).
Example input
bridgeTestFramework 1 1000 500 0
Example output
2. Test your Inventory Script
To test if the it_bridge script is working correctly with your inventory script, you can use the following command in your txAdmin console:
bridgeTestInventory id item
- id: The player ID you want to test the script with.
- item: The item you want to test the script with.
For the item parameter, you can use any item that is in your inventory except for the money items.
After you issued the command, you should see some messages in your server console, the script will automatically test the it_bridge script with the given values.
The script will print the result of every test in the server console. If you encounter any errors, please report them in the Discord (opens in a new tab).
Example input
bridgeTestInventory 1 bread
Example output
3. Test your Notification Script
To test if the it_bridge script is working correctly with your notification script, you can use the following command in your txAdmin console:
bridgeTestNotify id
- id: The player ID you want to test the script with.
After you issued the command, the targeted player should receive 4 notifications (every notification type for 5 Seconds) on the screen.
If the player does not receive the notifications, please report this in the Discord (opens in a new tab).
Example input
bridgeTestNotify 1
4. Test your TextUI Script
To test if the it_bridge script is working correctly with your TextUI script, you can use the following command in your txAdmin console:
bridgeTestTextUI id
- id: The player ID you want to test the script with.
After you issued the command, the targeted player should receive a TextUI on the screen. On some TextUI scripts, you will recive TextUIs with a different design and on others you will recive a TextUI with the default design. This is normal and should not be a problem.
If the player does not receive the TextUI, please report this in the Discord (opens in a new tab).
Example input
bridgeTestTextUI 1
5. Test your Menu Script
Before testing the Menu, please make sure you have tested the Notification script.
To test if the it_bridge script is working correctly with your Menu script, you can use the following command in your txAdmin console:
bridgeTestMenu id
- id: The player ID you want to test the script with.
After you issued the command, the targeted player should receive a Menu on the screen. If you press any button on the menu, the script will show a notification.
If the player does not receive the Menu, please report this in the Discord (opens in a new tab).
6. Test your Target Script
To test your Target script, you need more than one command to test it, because you have to test every target type separately.
To test if the it_bridge script is working correctly with your Target script, you can use the following commands in your txAdmin console:
bridgeBoxZone id
- id: The player ID you want to test the script with.
After you issued the command, in front of the targeted player should appear a prop with a box zone around. If the player tries to target the zone there should be two options. The prop and the box zone should disappear after 15 seconds.
bridgeTargetEntity id
- id: The player ID you want to test the script with.
After you issued the command, in front of the targeted player should appear a prop. If the player tries to target the entity there should be two options. The prop should disappear after 15 seconds.
bridgeGlobalPedTest id
- id: The player ID you want to test the script with.
After you issued the command, the targeted player should have two target options on every ped in the server. The script will not spawn a ped! After 15 seconds the target options should disappear.
bridgeGlobalVehicle id
- id: The player ID you want to test the script with.
After you issued the command, the targeted player should have two target options on every vehicle in the server. The script will not spawn a vehicle! After 15 seconds the target options should disappear.
bridgeGlobalPlayer id
- id: The player ID you want to test the script with.
To test the globalPlayer command there should be at least one other player in the server.
After you issued the command, the targeted player should have two target options on every player in the server. After 15 seconds the target options should disappear.
bridgeModel id
- id: The player ID you want to test the script with.
After you issued the command, in front of the targeted player should appear a prop. If the player tries to target the prop there should be two options. The prop should disappear after 15 seconds.
If there any problems with the target script, please report this in the Discord (opens in a new tab).
Report your results
After you have tested the it_bridge script, you should report your results in the Discord (opens in a new tab). Please report your results regardless of whether there were errors or not, this will help us to improve the script and to fix any errors that may occur.
For reporting, please join the Discord and go to the 📑・tickets
channel and open a Bridge Results
In this ticket, please provide the following information:
- Image of the startup message of the it_bridge script.
- Results of the tests.
- If you do not have any errors you can just send a short message like
No errors found!
- If you have any errors, please provide the error message and a description of what you did before the error occurred. And an image of you txAdmin and F8 Console.
- If you do not have any errors you can just send a short message like
Stop the bridge_tester script
After you have tested the it_bridge script, you can stop the bridge_tester script with the following command in your txAdmin console:
stop bridge_tester